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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Tulsa Online Programs

Hey everyone, I'm looking into the University of Tulsa for college, and I was wondering if they offer any online degree programs? I want to have some options in case I need more flexibility during college.

10 months ago

Hey there! University of Tulsa does offer a variety of online courses, but their online degree programs are mainly aimed at graduate students. They provide online Master's and Doctorate programs in several fields, such as Business Administration, Energy, Cybersecurity, Data Science, among others.

As an undergraduate student, it's worth noting that while you may not find a fully online degree program, you can still take individual online courses to help give you some flexibility in your schedule. Keep in mind that colleges have been expanding their online offerings due to recent global circumstances, so the availability of online classes may continue to grow.

If you're looking for more online degree options, consider researching other colleges that have extensive online undergraduate programs in your areas of interest. Making a list of those institutions and comparing them in terms of degrees offered, tuition costs, and other factors can help you find the right fit. Good luck!

10 months ago

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