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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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GPA expectations for Stanford University?

Hi all! Stanford University is my dream school, and I wanted to know what kind of GPA I should aim for to have a good chance at being admitted. Any insights are greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! Stanford University is indeed highly competitive, and having a strong GPA will play a significant role in your application. While there is no strict minimum GPA requirement, aiming for a high GPA will bolster your chances of admission. Most successful applicants to Stanford typically have a GPA in the 4.0 unweighted range or above (usually around 4.15 - 4.3 on a weighted scale).

Having a competitive GPA alone won't guarantee your admission, as Stanford considers other factors such as standardized test scores (if you choose to submit them), extracurricular involvement, essays, and letters of recommendation as part of their holistic admissions process. Your course rigor is also crucial—taking challenging courses like APs, IBs, or Honors can demonstrate your intellectual curiosity and readiness for Stanford's rigorous academic environment.

Keep in mind that Stanford is highly selective, with an acceptance rate below 5%. Many applicants with excellent GPAs, test scores, and accomplishments get rejected due to the sheer volume of competitive applications. So while having a high GPA is vital, make sure you put effort into other components of your application as well, like crafting outstanding essays and showcasing your extracurricular achievements.

Best of luck in your pursuit of Stanford admission! Remember, there are many fantastic colleges out there, and you'll find a great fit wherever you end up.

9 months ago

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