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Michigan State Admissions Requirements: What do I need?

I'm thinking of applying to Michigan State next year, but I'm not exactly sure about their admissions requirements. Can anyone tell me what I should have academically (GPA, standardized tests, etc.) and what extracurriculars they typically look for in applicants?

2 months ago

Michigan State University (MSU) admissions primarily focus on academic performance, standardized test scores, and extracurricular involvement. Although they take a holistic approach to reviewing applications, the following elements are essential for a competitive application:

1. Academics: MSU typically looks for a strong academic record, with an emphasis on challenging courses taken throughout high school. Ensure you're taking a suitable blend of advanced classes, such as AP or honors courses, to demonstrate your academic commitment and abilities.

2. GPA: Michigan State doesn't have a strict GPA requirement, but they generally anticipate a minimum GPA of around 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Keep in mind that the average GPA of admitted students is around 3.8. The higher your GPA, the more competitive your application will be.

3. Standardized Test Scores: MSU is test optional, but you can submit scores if you think they will boost your application. The middle 50% of admitted students typically have SAT scores between 1110-1300 and ACT scores between 24-30. Aim for scores within or above these ranges to be competitive. MSU will superscore your SAT and ACT, which means they will consider the highest scores from different test sections.

4. Extracurricular Involvement: MSU values students who show leadership, dedication, and passion outside of the classroom. Aim for 8-10 extracurricular activities throughout high school, focusing on the quality of involvement instead of quantity. Having a few meaningful activities where you exhibit leadership, initiative, or a significant impact will help your application stand out.

5. Essays and Recommendations: Make sure to write compelling and well-crafted essays that highlight your unique experiences, interests, or perspective. Additionally, secure recommendation letters from teachers or counselors who can speak positively about your academic potential, character, or involvement.

Keep in mind that every application is evaluated holistically, and there are no guarantees for admission. Focus on maintaining a strong academic record, engaging in meaningful extracurriculars, and refining your application essays to increase your chances of acceptance at Michigan State. Good luck!

2 months ago

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