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| 800 verbal


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Accessing ACT Scores

Hey guys, I took the ACT recently, but I'm not quite sure how to check my scores. Can someone walk me through the process of accessing them online? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hey there! No problem, I'm happy to help you access your ACT scores online. Follow these simple steps:

1. Go to the ACT website (

2. Click the "Sign In" button, located at the top-right corner of the homepage.

3. Under "Don't have an account?", click on "Create one", and follow the prompts to set up an account if you haven't already. Make sure to use the same information you used when registering for the ACT (name, date of birth, etc.).

4. Once you have an account or are already logged in, you'll be taken to your ACT "Dashboard".

5. On the Dashboard, you should see a section for "Your Test Dates and Scores" and a list of your past ACT test dates.

6. Click the "View Details" button next to the test date for your recent ACT test, and it will take you to a page with your ACT scores.

Keep in mind that scores may take up to eight weeks to become available, depending on when you took the test. Also, please note that you might not see all of your scores at once; some sections may be available before others.

If you have any difficulty accessing your scores or need further assistance, I recommend reaching out to the ACT customer support for help. Their contact information can be found on their website under the "Contact Us" section.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your scores!

10 months ago

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