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Average GPA for University of Rochester?

I've been interested in the University of Rochester lately. Does anyone know the average GPA for accepted students? Just want to know if I'm in the ballpark with my current grades.

9 months ago

The University of Rochester is a fairly selective institution, and the academic profile of accepted students demonstrates that. Based on the most recent data, the average GPA of admitted students tends to be 3.75 on an unweighted 4.0 scale. Keep in mind that numbers can vary year to year, so it's essential to consider other factors of your application as well, such as course rigor, extracurricular activities, and essays.

While having a GPA within this range can be reassuring, there's no guarantee of admission. On the other hand, if your GPA falls below the average, you may still have a chance if other portions of your application are very strong. Remember that admissions offices typically use a holistic review process, meaning that they consider all parts of your application when making a decision.

To further gauge your competitiveness, you can check the University of Rochester's admissions website for more information on average academic profiles or any updates on their admissions criteria. Good luck!

9 months ago

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