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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Average SAT Score in Texas

Howdy fellow Texans! I'm currently preparing for the SAT and was curious about the average SAT score in our state. Does anyone know the recent stats on this? It would help me set a benchmark for my own performance.

9 months ago

Howdy! It's great that you're preparing for the SAT and seeking information on average scores in Texas. As of 2023, the average SAT score for students in Texas was approximately 1050. However, you should keep in mind that this is just an average and varies greatly among individual students.

To set a benchmark for your performance, consider the schools you're interested in applying to and research their accepted students' average SAT scores. This can give you a clearer idea of the score range they're typically looking for. Additionally, it is essential to remember that colleges take many factors into account during the admissions process, like essays, extracurriculars, and grades, so your SAT score is just one piece of the puzzle.

Good luck with your SAT prep, and remember to focus on areas where you feel you need improvement to achieve your target score!

9 months ago

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