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Resources for veterans at Ohio State University?

My older sibling is a veteran and will be starting college soon. They're considering Ohio State University. What resources and support services does OSU have in place for veteran students?

9 months ago

Ohio State University (OSU) offers a variety of resources and support services for veteran students, recognizing the valuable experience and skills they bring to the campus. Some of these resources include:

1. Office of Military and Veterans Services: This office serves as a one-stop-shop for assistance with benefits, enrollment, and various resources tailored to military-connected students. They provide guidance on accessing resources such as the GI Bill, grants, and scholarships.

2. Counseling Services: OSU offers counseling services specifically designed for veteran students. These services address mental health, PTSD, and any emotional challenges that may arise throughout the transition to college life.

3. Military Student Lounge: A dedicated space for military-connected students to gather, network, study, and relax. It offers a sense of community and support for those with a shared military background.

4. Veteran and Military Student Organizations: OSU has various student organizations that cater to the military community. These organizations foster camaraderie, provide networking opportunities, and serve as a platform for veterans students to advocate for their unique needs.

5. Career Services: OSU's career services office provides support for veteran students in finding internships, job placements, and preparing for life after college. They offer career counseling, workshops, and events tailored to those with military experience.

6. Academic Support: OSU offers academic support services such as tutoring, academic coaching, and disability services to assist veteran students in succeeding academically.

7. Priority registration: Veteran students are often eligible for priority registration, allowing them to register for classes before the general student population. This ensures that they can enroll in the courses they need and maintain a balanced schedule.

8. Veteran-specific scholarships and grants: OSU offers a variety of scholarships and grants specifically for military, veteran, and dependent students. These financial resources help reduce the overall cost of attendance.

Encourage your sibling to reach out to the Office of Military and Veterans Services at OSU to learn more about the resources available to them and how to take full advantage of these support systems.

9 months ago

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