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How do I send my SAT scores to colleges?

Hey everyone! I recently took my SAT and want to send my scores to some colleges I'm interested in. Can y'all guide me through the process? I'm a little confused on how and when to send them.

10 months ago

Hey there! Sending your SAT scores to colleges is a pretty straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Log in to your College Board account: Head over to the College Board website and sign in to your account. If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one.

2. Access your scores: Once you're logged in, click on "My SAT" to view your scores.

3. Select "Send Scores": You'll see a button that says "Send Scores" next to your test results. Click on that to start the process.

4. Choose the colleges: You'll be asked to search for colleges by name or code. Add the colleges you want to send your scores to, and they'll be added to a list.

5. Review and confirm: Before you submit, double-check the list of colleges you've added. If everything looks good, proceed to confirm your selection.

6. Pay the fees: There's a fee to send scores to each college, except for the first four recipients, which are free if you choose them within nine days of taking the test. You'll be prompted to pay the fees during the process. Typically, the fee is around $12 per college, but it could vary depending on the country where the college is located.

7. Submit your request: After paying the fees, submit your request, and your scores will be sent electronically to the colleges you selected. It usually takes about 1-2 weeks for colleges to receive scores, so plan accordingly.

Remember that many colleges now allow self-reporting of SAT scores on your application. This means you can enter your scores on the application form, and only need to send official score reports if you're accepted and decide to attend. Be sure to check each college's policy to see if self-reporting is an option for you.

Good luck with your college applications!

10 months ago

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