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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Cambridge University GPA - How important?

Hi everyone! I've always been interested in applying to Cambridge University, but I'm not sure how much they emphasize GPA in their admissions process. Any insights or opinions on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

9 months ago

Cambridge University does indeed consider GPA when evaluating applicants, but it's important to note that their admissions process is a bit different from that of universities in the United States. Cambridge, along with other UK universities, focuses more on your academic achievements and demonstrated ability within your chosen subject area rather than a holistic review.

To be considered competitive for Cambridge, you'll generally need a high GPA, particularly in courses relevant to your desired field of study. For US students, they expect a minimum of a 4.0 GPA along with excellent performance in Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses that are subject-specific. It's common for successful applicants to have earned at least 5 Advanced Placement courses with scores of 5 (or the equivalent) in relevant subjects, or IB scores above 40 (with 7s and 6s in the areas most closely related to your major).

However, your GPA is not the only factor Cambridge will consider. You'll also need to submit standardized test results, such as the SAT or ACT (as of the 2024-2025 application cycle). Additionally, you'll need to complete the Cambridge-specific application, which includes a personal statement detailing your interest and academic preparation in your chosen subject area. A strong personal statement will help demonstrate your passion, knowledge, and motivation for study at Cambridge.

Furthermore, if you are selected for further consideration, you may be asked to attend an interview either in-person or remotely. The interview plays a significant role in the admissions process at Cambridge, and your academic background, along with your subject knowledge and enthusiasm, will be assessed by faculty during the interview.

In summary, while GPA is important for Cambridge University admissions, it's not the sole factor. Your chosen subject area's academic performance, standardized test scores, personal statement, and interview will all play a significant role in determining your chances of being admitted. Be sure to focus on excelling in your relevant subject areas and conveying your passion and commitment to your field of study throughout the application process.

9 months ago

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