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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to get a refund for SAT test registration?

Hey everyone! So, I kinda messed up and accidentally registered for the wrong SAT test date. What's the process to get a refund or transfer my registration to another date? Any advice would be super helpful!

10 months ago

Hey there! No worries, mistakes happen. To request a refund or change your SAT test date, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Login to your College Board account: Go to the College Board website and sign in with your account's credentials.

2. Find your SAT registration: Once you've logged in, navigate to "My SAT" on your dashboard. You should see your registered SAT test date there.

3. Change date or request a refund: Click on "Change Registration" if you'd like to change your test date. You'll be prompted to select a new date and pay a change fee. If you prefer to cancel your registration completely and request a refund, click on "Cancel Registration."

4. Follow instructions: After selecting "Change Registration" or "Cancel Registration," follow the prompts on the website to complete the process.

Keep in mind some important details:

- There is a deadline for making changes to your test date, which is usually around three weeks before the test date.

- A change fee of $30 will apply when you change your test date.

- If you decide to cancel your registration, you can request a refund, but you'll only receive a partial refund of $10 (out of the original registration fee). This is because the College Board has a non-refundable fee.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your SAT test preparations!

10 months ago

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