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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do ACT tests start?

Hey guys, I want to know when the test day for the ACT usually begins. Like, what time of day should I expect to be at the testing center? Also, how long does it typically last?

10 months ago

The ACT testing day generally starts at 8:00 am, and you should plan to arrive at your designated testing center by 7:45 am. Don't forget to bring your admission ticket, photo ID, a few sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers, and an approved calculator.

The ACT test consists of four sections: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Each section has a different time limit:

- English: 45 minutes

- Mathematics: 60 minutes

- Reading: 35 minutes

- Science: 35 minutes

If you're not taking the optional Writing section, the test will take around 3 hours and 5 minutes, including a short 10-to-15-minute break after the Mathematics section. If you're taking the ACT with Writing, you'll have an additional 40-minute section, making the total test time around 3 hours and 50 minutes. However, allow around an extra 30-60 minutes for administrative tasks, like checking in and hearing instructions from the test proctor.

So if you're not taking the Writing section, you can expect to finish by approximately 12:00 pm. If you're taking the Writing section, you should anticipate finishing around 1:00 pm. Keep in mind that these times can vary depending on the testing center and any unforeseen circumstances.

10 months ago

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