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Looking for colleges with strong interior design programs

I'm a junior and starting to search for colleges. I'm really interested in pursuing interior design as a career. Can anyone suggest some colleges with strong interior design programs?

9 months ago

Sure! There are quite a few colleges known for their strong interior design programs. Here's a list of some popular options:

1. Parsons School of Design (The New School) — Located in New York City, Parsons is renowned for its interior design program, which focuses on sustainable design and offers numerous resources for students to gain hands-on experience.

2. Pratt Institute — Another NYC-based institute, Pratt offers a well-regarded BFA in Interior Design program that focuses on critical thinking, design methodologies, and sustainable practices.

3. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) — RISD is a prestigious art school that offers a competitive BFA in Interior Architecture program, which combines aspects of interior design and architecture.

4. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) — SCAD is known for its BFA in Interior Design program, offering students access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

5. California College of the Arts (CCA) — Located in the San Francisco Bay Area, CCA offers a BFA in Interior Design, with a strong emphasis on sustainability, material exploration, and design practice.

6. University of Cincinnati — The College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) at the University of Cincinnati offers a top-ranked BS in Interior Design program, which features a unique cooperative education experience allowing students to gain professional experience while studying.

7. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) — Virginia Tech's College of Architecture and Urban Studies offers a highly regarded Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design that emphasizes hands-on learning and diverse design perspectives.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other schools with excellent interior design programs to explore. When researching, make sure to consider factors like location, size of the school, and any specific facilities or resources you may be interested in. Best of luck in your search and future studies!

9 months ago

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