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Early Action Universities

Hey guys, I'm starting my college search and I want to apply to some schools early action. Can anyone suggest a few universities that offer early action as an option? I'd really appreciate it!

9 months ago

Of course, I'd be happy to suggest some universities with Early Action (EA) options! Early Action allows you to apply early and receive a decision earlier than the Regular Decision timeline, without being binding like Early Decision. Here are a few notable universities that offer Early Action:

1. Harvard University: A prestigious Ivy League school known for its strong programs across various disciplines, Harvard has a single-choice EA program that restricts you from applying early to other private institutions, though you can still apply to public universities early.

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): MIT is renowned for its engineering and technology programs, as well as a variety of other fields. Its EA option is non-restrictive, so you can apply early to other schools as well.

3. University of Chicago: This institution has a strong emphasis on liberal arts education and offers a wide range of programs. It also has a non-restrictive EA option.

4. Caltech: Caltech is a small, science-focused institution with strong offerings in STEM. Like Harvard, Caltech has a restrictive EA program.

5. The University of Notre Dame: This private Catholic research university has strong programs across various fields and offers a non-binding, restrictive EA option.

6. Georgetown University: Known for its international relations, political science, and business programs, Georgetown has a restrictive EA that does not allow you to apply to other private schools' early programs, though you may apply to public institutions' early plans.

7. University of Michigan: A well-rounded public research university with strong programs in engineering, business, and the liberal arts, the University of Michigan offers an EA option.

8. University of Virginia: This public research university is well-known for its strong programs in business, engineering, and humanities. It also offers a non-binding EA option.

9. Georgia Tech: Georgia Tech is a public research university well-regarded for its engineering and computer science programs, as well as a variety of other STEM fields. It offers an EA option as well.

10. Boston College: Known for its humanities and business offerings, Boston College has a non-binding EA option.

These are just a few of the universities with EA options, but there are more out there! Be sure to double-check each school's individual application requirements and restrictions on early applications and consider your own priorities and preferences when making your decisions. Good luck with your college search!

9 months ago

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