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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What GPA is generally expected for admission at Temple University?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to decide which colleges to apply to, and I've been looking into Temple University. Does anyone know the average GPA they're looking for in the admission process? Thanks in advance!

2 months ago

Hi there! While Temple University doesn't have an explicit GPA cutoff, the average admitted student typically has a GPA that falls within the 3.0-4.0 range, with the average being around 3.4. However, it's important to remember that the admissions process is holistic, meaning they'll consider more than just your GPA. Factors like your SAT/ACT scores, extracurricular activities, and personal statement also play a significant role in their evaluation.

Keep in mind that having a GPA within this range does not guarantee acceptance, and similarly, students with GPAs outside this range may be admitted based on the strength of other parts of their application. It's important to ensure that your application as a whole presents a compelling case for admission.

So, while a competitive GPA is important, it's also essential to focus on building a well-rounded application. Don't be discouraged if your GPA is slightly below the average range; showcasing your passions, accomplishments, and experiences through your essays and extracurricular activities can help balance your profile. Good luck!

2 months ago

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