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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does Georgia Tech require letters of recommendation?

Hi everyone, I'm planning on applying to Georgia Tech and wanted to know if they require letters of recommendation during the application process. If they do, how many should I submit? And who would be the best people to ask for them?

9 months ago

Georgia Tech does not require letters of recommendation as part of their application process. However, they will accept up to four letters if you believe they would significantly contribute to your application and provide a better insight into your abilities, character, or potential for success.

In case you decide to submit letters of recommendation, it's a good idea to ask teachers, mentors, or coaches who know you well and can speak to your academic and personal strengths. Try to choose recommenders from core subjects like math, science, English, history, or foreign languages, as they can better speak to your intellectual abilities and potential in your chosen field of study at Georgia Tech.

Remember that letters of recommendation should complement your application by providing additional perspective rather than repeating information already included, so choose recommenders who can provide unique insights and anecdotes about your capabilities.

9 months ago

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