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UMN Philosophy program?

Hey guys, high school junior here! I've been exploring different colleges and their philosophy programs, and I came across UMN. I wanted to ask if any current or former students can tell me more about the program, like how are the classes and the faculty? Do you feel challenged and intellectually stimulated in the program? Any insight is appreciated!

9 months ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're looking into college philosophy programs, and the University of Minnesota (UMN) indeed has a well-regarded program.

In terms of faculty, the department includes accomplished professors with diverse areas of expertise, ranging from ethics and metaphysics to the philosophy of science and beyond. Some professors have even gained national and international recognition for their work. You're sure to have a variety of courses to choose from, to both explore your existing interests and develop new ones.

Students who have studied philosophy at UMN often report feeling challenged and intellectually stimulated, as the program encourages critical thinking, analytical reading, and articulate writing. These skills are not only valuable in philosophy but also transferable to other fields and careers. The department also offers both small seminar-style classes and larger lecture formats, so you can experience different learning environments and engage with the material in different ways.

Besides the coursework, the department provides additional resources and opportunities for its students, such as research opportunities, internships, and connections to alumni. Many UMN philosophy students also take part in extracurricular activities like the Philosophy Club, where they can discuss philosophical topics with their peers in a casual setting.

Keep in mind that visiting campus or attending an information session can be very helpful in gaining a better understanding of the department and if it's the right fit for you, as things like course catalogues can't fully capture the experience of studying a particular subject at a given institution. You can also reach out to the philosophy department faculty or students, as they can provide valuable information from their experiences.

Overall, though, the UMN philosophy program offers an intellectually stimulating environment and opportunities to develop skills that you can apply to a diverse range of career paths.

Finally, on a slightly different note, if you end up applying to UMN and want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: The essays are a great place to showcase your personal affinity for the field of philosophy, beyond just your academic interest in the subject, as well as other intangible qualities that may not be fully captured by your transcript or test scores.

Best of luck in your college search - go Golden Gophers!

9 months ago

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