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Need help finding Division 2 schools in Pennsylvania

Hey guys! I'm very involved in sports, so I'm looking to continue that passion in college. I'm currently looking at Division 2 schools in Pennsylvania. Can anyone recommend some D2 schools in PA or any resources to help me find them? Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you want to continue playing sports in college. In Pennsylvania, there are quite a few Division 2 schools you can consider. Do note that schools can move up or down in the NCAA Division system - for example, Mercyhurst University in Pennsylvania has historically been a Division 2 school, but will be joining Division 1 in the fall of 2024. So, double-checking a school's division on their athletics website is always a good idea.

Currently, however, here are some of the NCAA Division 2 schools in the state:

1. Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

2. California University of Pennsylvania

3. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

4. Pennsylvania Western University Clarion

5. East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

6. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania (note the men's wrestling team competes in Division 1)

7. Gannon University

8. Indiana University of Pennsylvania

9. Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

10. Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania (note the men's wrestling and women's field hockey teams compete in Division 1)

11. Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

12. Millersville University of Pennsylvania

13. Seton Hill University

14. Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

15. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania

16. West Chester University of Pennsylvania

To further research these schools and find more detailed information about their athletic programs, I'd recommend researching their respective athletics websites, to learn more about the teams you're interested in, facilities, coaching staff, and any recent accomplishments. Don't hesitate to reach out to the coaches at schools you're interested in, as they often have helpful insights about the program and the college as a whole - remember, you want to find a school where you'll succeed personally, socially, and academically, as well as athletically.

Good luck, and I hope this overview helps you find the perfect Division 2 school in Pennsylvania!

9 months ago

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