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BYU ACT Requirements

I'm thinking of applying to BYU, and I was wondering if they require the ACT for admissions? If so, what's a competitive score to have? Is there a preference for the ACT over the SAT there?

21 days ago

BYU does require standardized test scores as part of their admissions process, and they accept both the ACT and the SAT. There isn't a preference for one test over the other, so you can choose the test that you feel most comfortable taking or the one you perform better on.

In terms of a competitive score, while there is no strict cutoff for ACT scores at BYU, it does help to aim for a score in the upper range of the middle 50% of admitted students. For BYU, the middle 50% ACT scores for admitted students range from 27 to 32. To be on the more competitive side, you should aim for a score of 32 or higher. Of course, even if your score is slightly below this range, it doesn't mean you won't be admitted—your application will be reviewed holistically, taking into account your GPA, coursework rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and other factors.

It's worth noting that having a high ACT or SAT score is helpful, but it doesn't guarantee admission. BYU will be considering many aspects of your application in their decision process. Make sure to showcase your strengths, passions, and unique qualities in your application to stand out among other applicants.

21 days ago

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