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SAT Hard Words - How to prep?

I've seen a lot of talk about 'SAT hard words' and I'm wondering how to best prepare for them. Are there any lists or resources you guys recommend for vocab practice? Thanks!

21 days ago

To prepare for the vocabulary portion of the SAT, it's essential to familiarize yourself with commonly tested words and incorporate effective study strategies. Here are some steps you can take to improve your vocabulary skills:

1. Learn words in context: Rather than just memorizing word lists, try to learn new words within the context of sentences or passages. This will help you better understand their meanings and usage. You can find reading materials from reputable sources like The New York Times, The Atlantic, or scientific journals—any source with a high level of writing that might include challenging vocabulary words.

2. Use vocab apps: There are numerous apps available to aid in vocabulary building, such as Quizlet, Vocabulary.com, and Magoosh. These apps offer a variety of tools, like digital flashcards, quizzes, and games to help you learn and retain new words.

3. Create flashcards: If you prefer a more traditional method, creating physical flashcards is a great way to review vocabulary. Write the word on one side and its definition, along with an example sentence, on the other. Review the flashcards regularly, focusing on the ones you find most challenging.

4. Read widely and frequently: The more you read, the more likely you are to encounter diverse vocabulary. Try to read from a variety of genres and subjects, such as literature, news articles, and non-fiction books. This will expose you to a broader range of words and help you develop a strong vocabulary base.

5. Practice with SAT prep materials: Make use of SAT prep materials, like official College Board study guides and practice tests. These resources will provide an accurate representation of the types of vocabulary words you'll encounter on the actual test. Pay special attention to the words used in context within the reading and writing sections.

6. Keep a vocabulary journal: Whenever you come across an unfamiliar word, write it down in a dedicated journal along with its definition and an example sentence. This practice will reinforce your learning and help you retain the new words.

7. Review regularly: Consistently review the words you've learned in the past to reinforce your memory. This will ensure the vocabulary you've been studying remains fresh in your mind.

Remember, it's essential to be consistent and patient when learning new vocabulary. If you follow these steps and regularly practice, you'll be better prepared for the SAT's vocabulary challenges. Good luck!

21 days ago

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