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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UConn acceptance and GPA?

Sup, guys! I want to apply to the University of Connecticut next year. What's their average acceptance rate and GPA? Do you think they're becoming more or less selective compared to previous years?

21 days ago

Hey there! The University of Connecticut, or UConn, is a reasonably selective public university. As of the most recent data, their acceptance rate is around 55%. The average high school GPA for admitted students tends to be around 3.7-3.8 (unweighted), though they do consider the rigor of your courses as well.

UConn, like many institutions, might get more selective due to an increase in applicants yearly; however, this can be unpredictable and change based on various factors. Make sure to present a strong application with a focus on your academics, extracurricular activities, and essays.

Another thing to keep in mind is that UConn practices holistic admissions, so the numbers I mentioned aren't definitive cutoffs. They'll also review your essays, recommendation letters, and overall involvement beyond the classroom when making admissions decisions. Best of luck!

21 days ago

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