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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Syracuse Theater Program: Worth it?

Hello, fellow applicants! I've always been passionate about theater and acting, and I'm considering Syracuse University for its theater program. Does anyone have any insights into the program's quality and opportunities? How competitive is it to get in and what kind of experiences should I expect if I get accepted?

21 days ago

Hello! Syracuse University's Department of Drama is well-regarded and offers a great opportunity for students passionate about theater and acting. The department is part of Syracuse's College of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA), which provides students with a stellar foundation in the arts.

The BFA in Acting at Syracuse is a competitive program with strong training in various disciplines, including voice, movement, and classical acting techniques. Throughout the program, you'll have the opportunity to participate in an array of productions, both in the main university season and in student-run productions, providing ample opportunities to develop and showcase your skills.

As for the competitive aspect, the acceptance rate for Syracuse's Drama program typically falls at around 15-25%. Students who are accepted tend to have a strong background in theater, both in terms of acting experience and involvement in various extracurricular activities related to the field.

If accepted, you can expect a rigorous curriculum with performance opportunities starting in the first year. The program places an emphasis on collaboration and ensemble work, ensuring that students receive both individual and group guidance. In addition to the technical skills, you'll also learn practical skills needed for a career in the industry, such as auditioning techniques and networking.

One notable feature of Syracuse's program is the opportunity to participate in the department's Tepper Semester in New York City. This unique program allows you to spend a full semester immersing yourself in the New York theater scene, taking part in advanced classes, internships, and attending professional theater productions.

Overall, Syracuse University's theater program can provide you with a robust education in acting and theater, offering numerous opportunities to develop your craft and jump-start your career. I hope this information helps you make an informed decision about whether the program aligns with your passions and goals. Good luck!

21 days ago

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