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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Quinnipiac University: What GPA should I aim for?

Hey, I've been looking at Quinnipiac University lately and I'd like to apply next year. Does anyone know what GPA I should aim for to have a good shot at getting admitted into their programs?

21 days ago

In order to have a solid chance of getting admitted into Quinnipiac University, you should aim for a GPA of at least a 3.4. This is the average GPA of admitted students, meaning that half of the admitted applicants have a GPA above 3.54 and half have a GPA below this mark.

However, keep in mind that aiming for a higher GPA is always beneficial, as it not only demonstrates stronger academic performance but also makes you a more competitive candidate for merit-based scholarships and honors programs. It's also essential to consider the specific program you're applying to, as more competitive programs may require a higher GPA for admission.

Remember, though, that your GPA is just one factor that the admissions committee will evaluate. They will also look at your course rigor, class rank (if available), extracurricular activities, essays, letters of recommendation, and test scores (if you choose to submit them). As long as you maintain a strong academic record and stay involved in your community, you should be well-prepared for the application process.

21 days ago

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