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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where's Oregon State?

Hello everyone! I'm interested in Oregon State University and wanted to know where exactly it's located. Can anyone tell me more about the campus and the surrounding area?

22 days ago

Oregon State University (OSU) is located in Corvallis, Oregon, which is in the western part of the state. Corvallis is about 90 miles south of Portland, and around 50 miles east of the Oregon coast. The city has a small-town feel, with a population of around 60,000 people. It is nestled in the Willamette Valley and surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including forests, rivers, mountains, and farmland.

The campus itself is quite large, spanning over 400 acres, and features a mix of historic and modern buildings. It also offers various amenities, such as libraries, dining halls, recreational facilities, and green spaces for students to enjoy. The well-known Memorial Union (MU), which serves as a student hub, offers study spaces, food options, and a variety of events throughout the year.

Corvallis has a strong sense of community and is known for its sustainability initiatives, outdoor activities, and vibrant arts scene. You'll find various restaurants, shops, and cafes in downtown Corvallis, which is easily accessible from campus. There is also a free public transportation system (Corvallis Transit System) available for students and residents to travel around the city.

The surrounding area provides ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts, with numerous parks, hiking trails, and waterways for kayaking, fishing, or just enjoying the scenery. Additionally, the nearby Siuslaw National Forest, Cascade Mountains, and Oregon coast offer even more outdoor activities and picturesque views.

In summary, Oregon State University is located in Corvallis, offering a mix of academic excellence, a strong community feel, and numerous opportunities for outdoor activities in a beautiful natural setting.

22 days ago

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