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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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UAFS Sports and Athletic Culture?

Hey everyone, I'm considering the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith and I'm curious about their athletic culture and what sports they offer. Can anyone give me a general idea of what the athletic scene is like at UAFS, and what it's like to be a student-athlete there? Thanks for any help!

21 days ago

Hi! The University of Arkansas - Fort Smith (UAFS) has a variety of sports that students can participate in. They are a member of the NCAA Division II and compete in the Lone Star Conference. As a student-athlete at UAFS, you'll have the chance to engage in various sports including:

1. Baseball (Men's)

2. Basketball (Men's and Women's)

3. Cross Country (Men's and Women's)

4. Golf (Men's and Women's)

5. Soccer (Men's and Women's)

6. Tennis (Men's and Women's)

7. Volleyball (Women's)

Athletic culture plays a significant role in campus life, and the school takes pride in its competitive sports programs. As a student-athlete, you can expect to receive support from your coaches and academic advisors to help you balance your dual commitments to sports and academics. The athletic department provides resources such as athletic trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and study halls dedicated to student-athletes to help you succeed in both aspects of your college experience.

The school also has a passionate fan base, including students, faculty, and the local community, creating an exciting and supportive atmosphere during games. The university emphasizes both the importance of teamwork on the field and a strong sense of community among athletes.

Overall, being a student-athlete at UAFS comes with many opportunities to grow both physically and academically. You'll engage in collegiate sports competition, develop lasting friendships with your teammates, and have access to valuable resources to help you succeed as a student.

21 days ago

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