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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UNC Admission Requirements: What should I aim for?

Hey guys, I'm starting to think about applying to UNC and wanted to learn more about their admission criteria. Does anyone know the GPA, standardized test score ranges, and any extracurricular considerations they look for in potential students?

21 days ago

Hello there! It's great that you're considering applying to UNC. Here's a rundown of the various factors they usually look for in applicants:

1. GPA: The average weigthed GPA of admitted UNC students is 4.47. Keeping your GPA this high, or even higher, will improve your chances of being admitted. Remember that UNC also considers the rigor of your coursework, so aim to take challenging courses like AP or IB classes, if available at your school.

2. Standardized Test Scores: UNC has decided to remain test-optional for the 2024-2025 application cycle, so submitting your SAT or ACT score is not required. However, if you believe your score strengthens your application, you can still submit it. UNC's middle 50% SAT range for admitted students is typically between 1360 and 1510, while the middle 50% ACT range is between 30 and 34.

3. Extracurriculars: UNC values applicants who can demonstrate a strong commitment to a few extracurricular activities, preferably showing leadership, initiative, or significant accomplishments. Aim for a mix of Tier 1-3 activities (as described in the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars). Ideally, focus on a particular area of interest or expertise, which can help you stand out and showcase your "spike" to admissions officers.

Keep in mind that UNC also considers factors like essays, recommendation letters, and other parts of your application when making admissions decisions. Make sure to put enough effort into those components to further increase your chances of being admitted. Good luck with your application!

21 days ago

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