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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Sites to Learn More About Colleges?

Hey, fellow students! I'm starting my college search journey and I'm wondering if y'all know of any good websites where I can get reliable info on different colleges—like program rankings, campus life, acceptance rates, etc. Thanks in advance!

21 days ago

Hi there! I'm glad you're starting your college search journey, and I have a few websites that should help you in gathering information about different colleges:

1. CollegeVine (collegevine.com): This site offers a variety of tools to help you with your college search journey, including a school search function and a chancing engine that can give you insights into your chances of acceptance based on your profile. You'll also find blog posts with advice and information on various aspects of the college admissions process.

2. U.S. News & World Report (usnews.com/education): They have an extensive college ranking system and provide information on acceptance rates, programs, and other college details. Their rankings can help you understand the general standing of a college, but remember that rankings aren't everything, and your fit with a college matters more.

3. The College Board (bigfuture.collegeboard.org): Their college search tool is great for finding information about colleges, academic programs, campus life, financial aid, and more. Plus, it's a good starting point to see which colleges offer the majors you're interested in.

4. Niche (niche.com): This website provides information on academics, campus life, and financial aid, as well as student reviews that give valuable insights into the student experience at a particular college.

5. Individual college websites: One of the best sources of information about a specific college is the school's own website. Many college websites have virtual tours, videos, and blogs that can give you a feel for the campus, the students, and the programs.

6. CampusReel (campusreel.org): This site offers video tours created by actual college students, which can help you get a firsthand look at life on campus.

When using these resources, keep in mind that every student's experience is different, so it's important to think about how your own interests and goals align with what you're learning about each college. Happy searching!

21 days ago

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