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Good schools for forestry in Ohio?

Hey, I'm currently researching schools in Ohio with solid forestry programs. Anybody have suggestions or personal experiences to share about the best schools to target for a forestry degree in Ohio?

10 months ago

Ohio offers a few universities with strong forestry programs. I'd recommend looking into the following options:

1. Ohio State University (OSU): OSU's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management with a major in Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife. As a major research university, OSU provides opportunities for hands-on experience and research alongside faculty, as well as access to various resources and facilities.

2. Hocking College: Hocking College has a two-year Associate of Applied Science in Wildlife Resources Management. This program is more hands-on and focuses on practical skills for managing forest resources. Students can continue their education at a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree, if desired.

3. Miami University: Miami University's College of Arts & Science offers a Bachelor of Arts or Science in Environmental Earth Science, which includes a concentration in Conservation and Preservation. While not a forestry-specific program, it allows students to study forest ecosystems, environmental conservation, and management principles. This interdisciplinary program includes studies in earth and life sciences, as well as environmental policy and analysis.

As you research these options, be sure to explore each school's course offerings, faculty, facilities, and fieldwork opportunities. Additionally, consider visiting the campuses and speaking with current students or alumni to get a better sense of the programs and the overall school environment. Good luck in your search!

10 months ago

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