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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

ACT Test Starting Time

Hi everyone! Anyone know what time the ACT usually starts in the morning? Want to make sure I have enough time to eat breakfast and arrive without rushing!

9 months ago

Hi there! The actual start time of the ACT can vary depending on the test center, but generally, tests begin around 8:00 AM. It's important to arrive at the test center by 7:45 AM, as this allows you time to check-in and find your assigned classroom. It's great to see that you're planning ahead to ensure a stress-free morning!

I would recommend double-checking your test center's specific start time to be certain. You will receive a confirmation from ACT that includes the reporting time and location. Make sure to get a good night's sleep, eat a balanced breakfast, and give yourself some extra time in the morning to arrive at the test center well ahead of time to minimize any last-minute stress. Good luck on your test!

9 months ago

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