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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Wentworth Institute of Technology Sports: Club or Varsity?

Hi there, does anyone know what kind of sports Wentworth Institute of Technology offers? I'd like to get involved in sports, but I don't plan on being a varsity athlete. Do they have club sports or intramurals that I can join just for fun and staying active?

9 months ago

Hi! Wentworth Institute of Technology does offer a range of sports opportunities for students. Even though they don't have a huge focus on varsity athletics, they do provide other options like club sports and intramurals where you can participate in a more casual and recreational environment.

At Wentworth, you can find club sports such as Ultimate Frisbee, soccer, and volleyball. These clubs offer a competitive yet fun atmosphere and often compete against other regional universities' club teams. Intramural sports are also available at Wentworth, and these are perfect if you're seeking a more relaxed and social environment. Intramurals typically include sports like basketball, dodgeball, and flag football among others.

No matter your skill level or commitment, Wentworth's club and intramural sports offerings can help you stay active, meet new people, and enhance your college experience. So, it's definitely worth checking out these opportunities once you're on campus!

9 months ago

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