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Gustavus campus safety concerns

I heard a bit about Gustavus Adolphus College and got curious about the campus safety - since it's quite important to me. Can someone share their experience or any info about the campus safety at Gustavus? Thank you!

8 months ago

I understand that campus safety is a significant concern for many students. While I cannot provide a personal experience, I can inform you about the safety measures that Gustavus Adolphus College has in place. Gustavus is located in the relatively small town of St. Peter, which can contribute to a more relaxed, safer atmosphere compared to schools in larger urban environments.

At Gustavus, the Department of Campus Safety is responsible for maintaining security on campus. They operate 24/7 and provide services such as patrolling campus grounds, responding to emergencies, and addressing safety concerns involving students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the department offers a SAFE Rides program, which is a nighttime escort service available for those who may feel uneasy walking alone at night.

Moreover, their ResLife (Residential Life) staff supervises residence halls and ensures that residents follow guidelines. They are also trained to handle emergencies and address safety concerns.

On top of these measures, Gustavus Adolphus College has a system in place called the campus alert system, which allows the school to give timely warnings in the case of any security threats or severe weather events.

One way to get a better sense of campus safety from current students is to reach out to people on Google Maps, Gustavus community Facebook groups, or the Gustavus subreddit and ask for personal experiences or opinions on campus safety.

Remember, it is crucial to visit the campus (if possible) to gain your own perception of the environment and to determine whether you would feel comfortable and secure there, since feeling safe can be subjective. But overall, Gustavus Adolphus College is known to provide an environment where many students feel they can focus on their studies without worrying about their safety.

Good luck with your college search - I hope you find this information helpful!

8 months ago

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