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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Menlo College: What's the student body like?

Hey there! I'm considering Menlo College and would like to learn more about the student population. How diverse is the campus and what's the general vibe amongst the students? Are there any notable clubs or organizations I should know about?

a month ago

Hello! Menlo College is a small, private institution, so the student community is fairly close-knit. The campus has around 800 students, with a good mix of domestic and international students from various countries. This creates a diverse environment where you can connect with people from different cultural backgrounds. The student population is predominately from California, but you'll also find students from other states and countries.

In terms of campus vibe, Menlo College is known for its friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Because it's a smaller school, students have the opportunity to form strong relationships with their peers and professors. The campus itself is beautiful and provides a nurturing space for learners.

As for clubs and organizations, Menlo College has a good variety to cater to different interests. Some notable clubs include the Business Club, the Entrepreneurship Club, the Sports Management Club, the Rotaract Club, and the Black Student Union (BSU). These clubs can help you gain valuable skills, make friends, and expand your interests.

Given the size of Menlo College, it's also relatively easy to start your own club or organization if you have a particular passion that isn't currently represented. This can be a great way to connect with like-minded students and contribute to the campus community.

Overall, Menlo College offers a tight-knit, diverse, and welcoming student body where you can comfortably explore your interests and form lasting friendships. Make sure to visit the campus (if possible) before making your decision, as this will give you a better sense of the vibe and community there. Best of luck!

a month ago

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