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Tips for CMC Admission?

Hi there! I'm looking into applying to Claremont McKenna College, and I was wondering if any current students or alumni could provide some tips for the admission process? What should I focus on in my application or emphasize? Thanks!

a month ago

Sure, I'd be happy to help! Claremont McKenna College highly values leadership, initiative, and intellectual curiosity. Here are some key areas you should focus on in your application to maximize your chances of getting admitted to CMC:

1. Demonstrate your leadership potential: Claremont McKenna values students who've played an active role in their high school communities, so highlighting your leadership roles and achievements is essential. Whether you've been a club president, captain of a sports team, or organized a significant event, showcasing these experiences in your application will make a difference.

2. Show your intellectual curiosity: CMC aims to admit students who have a passion for learning. Emphasize your intellectual curiosity by discussing research projects, independent studies, or unique educational experiences you've pursued outside of the classroom.

3. Be specific about your interest in CMC: Claremont McKenna wants to know why you're drawn to their school specifically rather than just any top liberal arts college. Do research on CMC's unique programs, research opportunities, and campus life to show that you're genuinely interested in what the school has to offer. Be sure to mention these distinctive features of CMC in your application essays, as it will demonstrate your desire to be a part of their community.

4. Showcase a balanced academic profile: As with many top liberal arts colleges, CMC will look for a strong academic profile with good grades in challenging courses. An excellent GPA, a rigorous course schedule, and strong standardized test scores (if submitted) will help you stand out.

5. Essays: The essays are your opportunity to let your personality shine through and offer the admissions committee an insight into who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Focus on telling stories that showcase your character, your motivations, and your unique perspective on the world. Be genuine and honest in your essays.

6. Letters of recommendation: Strong letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or coaches who can speak to your work ethic, leadership, and passion for learning can help strengthen your application.

7. Extracurriculars: As mentioned before, CMC values students who have pursued their passions and made an impact in their school or community. Be sure to mention meaningful extracurricular activities that reflect your interests, achievements, and leadership potential.

Remember, there's no "perfect formula" for getting into any college, but focusing on these aspects should increase your chances of being admitted to Claremont McKenna College. Good luck on your application!

a month ago

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