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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Interpreting My ACT Score

Hey guys, I just got my ACT score back and I'm not sure how to interpret it or how it compares to other students'. Is there a way to find out percentiles or how my score might be viewed by colleges? Any advice is appreciated!

8 months ago

Hey! Congratulations on getting your ACT score! To interpret your score and see where it falls in terms of percentiles, you can check the ACT's official website for the latest percentile rankings. The ACT score ranges from 1 to 36, with the average score typically hovering around 20 or 21.

To give you a better understanding of how your score might be viewed by colleges, here's a quick breakdown of some ACT score percentiles:

- 75th percentile: 24

- 90th percentile: 28

- 95th percentile: 30

- 99th percentile: 33-36

These percentiles indicate that, for example, a score of 28 places you in the top 10% of test-takers, and a score of 30 places you in the top 5%. Remember that colleges look at applicants holistically, so your ACT score is just one part of your overall profile. Admissions committees also closely consider your GPA, course rigor, extracurriculars, essays, and recommendation letters.

Your ACT score is typically a strong indication of your competitiveness at different schools. You can research the average ACT scores of accepted students at the colleges on your list to see if your score falls within range. Many college websites display their middle 50% ACT scores, which represents the scores of the middle 50% of their admitted applicants. If your score falls within or above this range, it will likely be seen favorably by the colleges.

However, don't be too discouraged if your score is slightly below the average for your dream school, as admissions committees still factor in the aforementioned holistic aspects of your application. Good luck with your college applications!

8 months ago

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