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SAT exam fees?

I'm planning on taking the SAT soon, but I'm not sure how much it'll cost. What's the current cost to register for the SAT, and are there any extra fees I should know about? Thanks, everyone!

9 months ago

The current base registration fee for the SAT is $55. However, there are additional fees that you may encounter depending on your situation:

1. Late registration: Registering after the regular deadline will result in a late fee of $30. To avoid late fees, register before the regular deadline for your chosen test date.

2. Change fee: If you decide to change your test date, test center, or test type (switching between the SAT and SAT Subject Tests), there is a $30 fee for each change made.

3. Additional score reports: Your SAT registration includes sending four free score reports to colleges, but if you want to send additional reports, each will cost $12. Note that some schools accept self-reported scores and official reports are not necessary.

4. Rush score report: If you need your scores sent to colleges quickly, the College Board offers a rush service for an additional $31 per recipient.

Keep in mind that if you're facing financial difficulties, you might be eligible for a fee waiver, which would cover the cost of registration and provide additional benefits, such as free score reports. Talk to your school counselor to discuss your eligibility and obtain a fee waiver.

In conclusion, the standard registration fee for the SAT is $55, but additional fees may apply depending on your circumstances. Plan ahead to avoid late fees, and inquire about fee waivers if you think you may qualify.

9 months ago

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