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Best music schools on the West Coast?

Hey y'all, I'm a junior in high school and I'm really passionate about music. I'm thinking about going to college on the West Coast. What are some of the best music schools out there? I'm interested in both conservatories and universities with strong music programs. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hey there! It's wonderful to hear that you're passionate about music and looking for colleges on the West Coast with strong music programs. There are several excellent options to consider, both in terms of conservatories and universities.

1. University of Southern California Thornton School of Music (Los Angeles, CA) - A highly-ranked music school with programs in various music disciplines, such as Classical Performance, Music Industry, Composition, Musicology, and more.

2. San Francisco Conservatory of Music (San Francisco, CA) - A prestigious conservatory that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various areas of music, including Composition, Conducting, and Performance.

3. University of California, Los Angeles Herb Alpert School of Music (Los Angeles, CA) – This school offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees in areas like Music Education, Musicology, and Music Performance.

4. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) (Valencia, CA) – With a more avant-garde and experimental focus, CalArts' School of Music offers various music programs such as Composition, Performance, and Experimental Sound Practices.

5. Colburn School (Los Angeles, CA) - A top-tier conservatory providing programs in Classical Performance as well as a unique Music Academy specifically tailored for pre-college students.

6. Chapman University Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music (Orange, CA) - Offering degrees in music industry, music education, performance, and more, this conservatory is housed within a comprehensive university setting.

7. University of Washington School of Music (Seattle, WA) – This university-based music school has programs in areas like Composition, Music Education, and Performance.

When researching these schools, consider factors such as faculty, specific areas of study, performance opportunities, and the surrounding music scene. Visit their websites to get more information on the programs, and if possible, try to attend open houses or schedule campus visits to get a better feel for each school's environment. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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