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Cambridge Diploma Requirements?

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in the Cambridge Diploma program at my school and was wondering what the requirements are to earn one. Are there specific courses I need to take or any exams? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hey there! The Cambridge Diploma program, also known as the Cambridge AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) Diploma, is a prestigious and rigorous pre-university qualification designed by the University of Cambridge. To earn the Cambridge AICE Diploma, you'll need to meet certain requirements, which I'll outline below:

1. Coursework: You must take a combination of Cambridge International AS and A Level courses across several subject areas. Courses are generally split into three main groups: Mathematics and Science, Languages, and Arts and Humanities. You can choose courses according to your interests and goals.

2. Credit Requirements: To earn the AICE Diploma, you'll need to accumulate a minimum of 140 credits, with a mix of Cambridge International AS (worth 20 credits) and A Level (worth 40 or 60 credits) examinations. At least one subject must be taken from each of the three subject groups mentioned above.

3. Exams: After completing the related coursework, you'll need to sit for the corresponding Cambridge International AS and A Level exams. These exams assess your knowledge, understanding, and skills in each subject. You'll typically take the AS and A Level exams at the end of the academic year, though the specific timing will depend on your school's schedule.

4. Timeframe: You must complete the required coursework and pass the exams within a 25-month period. The clock starts ticking on the date of your first successfully completed exam, and you should work with your school on planning your courses and exam schedule accordingly.

Keep in mind that the specific courses and exam requirements may vary slightly depending on your school's offerings. It would be a good idea to consult with your school's guidance counselor or the Cambridge Program coordinator for more information on the courses available and any additional requirements.

Good luck pursuing the Cambridge AICE Diploma! It's an excellent program that can provide you with many benefits, such as preparing you for university studies and potentially earning college credits.

8 months ago

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