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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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St. John's student population

Hello! I'm considering applying to St. John's University and I'm curious about the size and diversity of their student population. Can any current students or alumni share their experience regarding the campus atmosphere and opportunities for involvement in student activities?

8 months ago

St. John's University is a medium-sized university, with campuses in Queens and Staten Island in New York. The total enrollment for the university (across the undergraduate and graduate levels) is around 20,000 students, with about 17,000 of those at the Queens campus. The campus environment is often described as diverse, with students representing over 120 countries and various ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

You will encounter a lively and vibrant atmosphere on campus, with a strong commitment to inclusiveness and fostering a sense of community. The university has more than 180 student clubs and organizations, including academic or professional organizations, sororities, fraternities, cultural and religious clubs, service groups, and special interest clubs. These clubs are great ways to get involved, meet like-minded people, and develop your interests further.

St. John's University also offers various events and programs throughout the year that are aimed at promoting cultural understanding and encouraging engagement between students from different backgrounds. Some examples include campus-wide cultural celebrations, guest speakers, and student-led workshops or panel discussions.

In terms of athletics, St. John's has a number of sports teams for both men and women, competing at the NCAA Division I level. Sports events are well-attended and have a strong sense of school spirit.

Overall, St. John's University boasts a diverse and thriving campus environment, providing you with many opportunities to get involved, grow personally and professionally, and make lasting connections.

8 months ago

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