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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are my chances of getting into Cornell?

Hi everyone. I know there isn't a definitive answer to this, but I'm curious to get some opinions. Based on my GPA (4.1), extracurriculars, and SAT score (1510), how likely am I to get accepted to Cornell? I'm also taking a rigorous course load. Input would be appreciated, thanks!

8 months ago

While it's true that no one can give you a definitive answer, I can provide some general insights based on the information you've given.

Firstly, your GPA of 4.1 and SAT score of 1510 are within the competitive range for Cornell. According to Cornell's class of 2025 profile, the middle 50% of accepted students' SAT scores were between 1450 and 1550. So, your score falls within that range, which is a good starting point.

It's also great that you're taking a rigorous course load, as selective schools like Cornell place significant emphasis on academic rigor. Be sure to maintain good grades in these challenging courses, as that will demonstrate your ability to succeed at such an academically rigorous institution.

As for extracurriculars, you didn't mention specifics, but remember, Cornell, like other top colleges, values depth and accomplishment in extracurricular activities. It's preferable to have a few activities you're highly involved in, showing leadership or significant achievement, rather than a long list of clubs and activities where your involvement is minimal. So, evaluate your extracurriculars based on quality rather than quantity, and be prepared to emphasize key accomplishments in your application.

Additionally, make sure your application and essays strongly convey your passions, unique qualities, and how you'll contribute to the Cornell community. A well-presented application will help set you apart and increase your chances of admission.

In summary, while there's no way to predict your exact chances, based on your GPA, SAT score, and course load, you appear to be a competitive candidate. Focus on your extracurricular achievements and crafting a compelling application to further strengthen your chances.

Best of luck!

8 months ago

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