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How do I know if I qualify for Pell Grant?

I've been hearing a lot about the Pell Grant, but I'm not sure if I qualify for it or not. How can I figure out if I'm eligible for this financial aid? Is there a specific website I should visit or a person I need to talk to at my school?

8 months ago

To determine if you qualify for a Pell Grant, you'll need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA is the primary application for federal financial aid, and it is used by the U.S. Department of Education to determine your eligibility for Pell Grants, as well as other types of federal aid like Stafford Loans and work-study.

Here are the basic eligibility requirements for a Pell Grant:

1. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident or a refugee).

2. Have a valid Social Security number (with few exceptions).

3. Have a high school diploma, GED, or meet other state-approved criteria for completing a high school education.

4. Be enrolled or planning to enroll in an eligible undergraduate degree or certificate program at an accredited institution.

5. Demonstrate financial need, which is determined by the FAFSA.

To complete the FAFSA, you (and your parent(s), if you're classified as a dependent student) will need to provide income, tax, and asset information. The FAFSA uses this information to calculate your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Since the Pell Grant is a need-based grant, your EFC is a vital factor that determines whether you qualify for the grant and, if so, how much you receive.

Be aware that the EFC has since been replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI). However, the function is similar, and you still need an FAFSA to determine your SAI for aid eligibility.

To start the FAFSA process, visit the official FAFSA website at, and be sure to submit your application before the deadline, which varies by state. After completing the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) that summarizes your submitted information and provides your EFC (SAI). Your chosen university will receive the same SAR, and their financial aid office will create a financial aid award package based on your eligibility, which may include the Pell Grant.

If you have questions or concerns during the FAFSA process, reach out to your high school counselor or your college's financial aid office, as they can help guide you through the process and provide additional resources.

8 months ago

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