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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do early applications start?

Hi all, I'm a junior and I'm considering applying early to some colleges. When do early action/early decision applications usually open and what's the deadline for submitting them? Thanks in advance.

8 months ago

Hello! Early application timelines can vary by college, but generally, early action (EA) and early decision (ED) applications open around the same time as regular decision applications. Most colleges open their applications in August or September, usually when the Common Application becomes available on August 1st.

The deadlines for EA and ED applications can differ but typically fall in early November, with some schools having deadlines as early as October. For example, a few colleges might have an October 15th deadline, while others set it around November 1st or November 15th. It's essential to check the specific deadlines for the colleges you're interested in since they can vary.

Decision notifications for EA and ED applications typically come out in mid-December, though this can also vary by school. It's crucial to be aware that with an ED application, it's a binding commitment to attend the school if accepted. On the other hand, EA applications are non-binding and do not require you to commit to attending if accepted.

Keep in mind that some colleges also offer a second round of early decision known as ED II, with later deadlines, usually around January 1st or January 15th.

It's a good idea to visit the admissions websites of the colleges you're considering to confirm their specific early application deadlines and policies. Best of luck with your application process!

8 months ago

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