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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT Test Locations

I'm planning on taking the SAT soon, but I'm not sure where this test can be taken. Is there an easy way to determine where the testing centers are located? Advice is much appreciated!

9 months ago

Finding the nearest SAT testing center is relatively simple. The College Board, which administers the exam, has a search tool on its website that allows you to find nearby test centers. To access this tool, follow these steps:

1. Go to the College Board website (

2. Hover over the "SAT" tab located in the top menu and click on "Register for the SAT."

3. Scroll down and click on "Find a Test Center."

4. Enter your location (city, state, ZIP code, or school name) and select the desired test date from the dropdown menu.

5. Click "Search" to see a list of available test centers.

The results will show you the locations of nearby testing centers, along with their addresses and availability. Keep in mind that some test centers fill up quickly, especially for popular test dates, so it is a good idea to register early to secure your desired location.

After finding a suitable test center, make sure you create a College Board account, if you haven't already, to register for the test. You'll need to provide some personal information, such as your name, address, high school information, and photo identification. Once you've completed the registration process, you'll receive a confirmation email with your test center details and instructions on what to bring on test day.

Good luck with your SAT preparations!

9 months ago

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