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Understanding extracurricular activities

As I start applying to colleges, I keep hearing about the importance of 'extra curriculum' or extracurricular activities. What are some examples of extracurricular activities that colleges typically look for? How do I make sure I have strong ones that'll stand out on my application?

5 months ago

Extracurricular activities play a significant role in college admissions because they provide insight into your interests, dedication, and skills outside of the classroom. Colleges typically look for students who are highly-involved in a few activities rather than participating superficially in many.

To give you a helpful framework, extracurricular activities are often categorized into four tiers:

1. Tier 1: Rare activities showcasing exceptional achievement or leadership at the national or international level, such as winning a prestigious award or participating in a renowned competition like the International Math Olympiad.

2. Tier 2: Activities that demonstrate high levels of accomplishment and leadership but are more common than Tier 1. Examples include being student body president, playing in a state-level orchestra, or being a top-ranked athlete in your state.

3. Tier 3: These activities display your interests but lack the distinction of the first two tiers. Being a leader in a club, an NHS member, or captain of a sports team can fall into this category.

4. Tier 4: The most common activities seen by admissions committees, such as general club membership, sports participation, and volunteering.

To make your extracurricular activities stand out:

1. Deepen your involvement: Instead of being a passive participant, take initiative, and pursue leadership positions. Demonstrating long-term commitment and impact in an activity might be more impressive than simply listing several superficial involvements.

2. Focus on your passions: Select activities that match your interests and goals. Genuine passion often leads to stronger engagement and better outcomes, both of which are noticed by admissions officers.

3. Develop a "spike": Top colleges prefer applicants with a highly-developed specialty in their chosen field of interest. This demonstrates that you excel in a particular area and could potentially contribute uniquely to the campus community.

4. Seek unique opportunities: Participate in activities outside of your comfort zone or those not typically undertaken by your peers. This could include starting a nonprofit, creating a personal blog or YouTube channel, or participating in research initiatives.

5. Showcase quantifiable achievements: Include any tangible results from your activities, such as awards, publications, or fundraising milestones. These help to clearly demonstrate your impact and dedication.

Remember, colleges value quality over quantity, so ensure that your extracurricular activities include a mix of engagement levels, leadership positions, and areas of interest, with a primary focus on deepening your involvement in the activities that truly matter to you.

5 months ago

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