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When are ACT test scores usually available?

I'm taking the ACT soon and I'm a little bit stressed about it. After the test, how long will it take for them to release the scores?

9 months ago

It's natural to feel a little stressed about taking the ACT, but knowing when to expect your scores can help alleviate some of that stress. Generally, your multiple-choice scores should be available within 10 days after the test date. However, if you've taken the optional writing test, it might take an additional two weeks for your writing score to be available. In total, it should take about 2-3 weeks for your complete score report to be available.

Keep in mind that these are approximate time frames and may vary slightly depending on factors such as the testing center's schedule and high testing volume periods. Make sure to check the ACT website for any updates or specific information about score release dates. Good luck on your ACT test!

9 months ago

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