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Is a 1350 PSAT score good enough for top colleges?

Hey everyone, I recently got my PSAT score back and it's a 1350. I'm wondering if this is a good score for applying to top colleges? What can I expect in terms of National Merit Scholarships as well?

9 months ago

A 1350 PSAT score is a strong score, but it's essential to understand that the PSAT is primarily a preliminary test that helps students prepare for the SAT. College admissions offices will not use PSAT scores as part of their decision-making process. Instead, they'll consider your SAT or ACT scores, so it's important to focus on these tests when considering your chances at top colleges.

To get an idea of how your PSAT score might translate to the SAT, keep in mind that the conversion is not 1-to-1; however, it is close. For example, an 1150 on the PSAT is around 1180 on the SAT. As such, a 1350 PSAT score might be comparable to a mid-1400s SAT score. While this is a solid score, for top colleges (e.g., Ivy League schools), you might want to aim for an SAT score of 1500 or higher to be more competitive. Of course, standardized test scores are just one factor in the admissions process, and top colleges will assess your application holistically.

Regarding National Merit Scholarships, the PSAT doubles as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). The qualification for National Merit Scholarships depends on the Selection Index (combination of your reading, writing, and math scores) and varies by state. If your Selection Index is high enough to be considered, you'll need to be within the top 1% of test-takers in your state. The exact cutoffs change each year and are announced in the fall of the following academic year. However, it is important to note that a 1350 score might be close to the cutoff for some states, while in others, it may be below the threshold.

In summary, while a 1350 PSAT score is strong, it's crucial to concentrate on your SAT or ACT scores moving forward, as these are the scores that will impact your chances at top colleges. In terms of National Merit Scholarships, you'll want to review the past Selection Index cutoffs for your state to gauge your eligibility.

9 months ago

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