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SAT: 720 math
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What are the Seven Sisters Colleges?

I keep hearing about this group of colleges called the 'Seven Sisters' but can't find much information on them. What are the Seven Sisters Colleges and what makes them special?

a month ago

The Seven Sisters Colleges, often referred to as the "Sister Colleges," (now consisting of five active institutions) are a group of prestigious women's liberal arts colleges in the United States. They were initially established to provide women with an education equivalent to that of the Ivy League schools, which were predominantly all-male at the time. The Sister Colleges now include:

1. Barnard College (New York City)

2. Bryn Mawr College (Pennsylvania)

3. Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts)

4. Smith College (Massachusetts)

5. Wellesley College (Massachusetts)

Originally, Vassar College and Radcliffe College were also members of the Seven Sisters. However, Vassar became coeducational in 1969 and Radcliffe fully merged with Harvard University in 1999.

What makes these colleges special is their emphasis on providing a high-quality liberal arts education specifically tailored to women. They are known for empowering women and fostering leadership skills in a supportive and nurturing environment. While each college has its unique academic strengths and campus culture, they collectively share a commitment to educational excellence and gender equity. These schools have produced numerous prominent female leaders in various fields, including politics, academia, business, and arts.

Moreover, the Five Sisters maintain strong connections with nearby coeducational institutions for shared resources, academic cooperation, and cross-registration opportunities. For example, Barnard shares a close relationship with Columbia University, while Mount Holyoke, Smith, and Wellesley are members of various college consortiums like the Five College Consortium and the 12-College Exchange.

Overall, the Seven Sisters Colleges (now the Five Sisters) have a distinguished history of providing exceptional educational opportunities for women and producing influential female leaders in various domains.

a month ago

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