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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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ACT: What does it mean to be an ACT scorer?

Hi all! I've stumbled upon the term 'ACT scorer,' but I'm not really sure what it means. Is this just a term referring to someone who scored really well on the exam, or is it a position related to scoring tests? Thanks for the clarification!

8 months ago

Hello! An ACT scorer is actually a position related to scoring the ACT exam rather than someone who scored well on the test. Individuals in this role are responsible for reviewing and scoring the student responses, particularly the writing section of the ACT exam. They use a standardized rubric to assign scores consistently across all test-takers.

ACT scorers tend to have a background in education, either as teachers or professionals with experience grading similar types of assessments. They undergo training to ensure they understand the scoring guidelines and process to produce accurate and reliable results. So, when you hear "ACT scorer," it refers to someone involved in the official scoring process of the ACT exam rather than a test-taker who achieved a high score.

8 months ago

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