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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a Really Good SAT score?

Hey everyone! As a junior, I'm preparing for my SAT and planning on taking it soon. What would be considered a really good SAT score in terms of getting into top colleges?

9 months ago

Hello! A "really good" SAT score for top colleges typically falls within the 75th percentile of accepted students at those schools. For most highly selective colleges, a score of 1500 or above (out of 1600) is considered highly competitive. Specifically, a breakdown of competitive scores could look like:

- Ivy League and other peer institutions: 1500-1600

- Top 20-30 ranked universities: 1450-1550

- Top 50 ranked universities: 1400-1500

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and individual colleges may have slightly different expectations. You should research the average SAT score range for the specific colleges you're interested in to get a better understanding of their expectations. And remember, while a strong SAT score is helpful, it's just one piece of your application. Top colleges will be looking at your GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation as well when making admissions decisions.

Good luck preparing for your SAT!

9 months ago

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