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Where to find free online ACT practice exams?

I've been preparing for the ACT and want to take some full-length practice tests before the real deal. Can anyone recommend websites with free online ACT practice exams? I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Sure, there are quite a few websites where you can find free online ACT practice exams. Some of the best resources include:

1. The official ACT website offers a free, full-length practice test that is an excellent starting point since it is the most accurate representation of the real exam. They also provide free sample questions in each subject area.

2. Prepscholar: This website provides a list of free ACT practice tests from various sources, including official exams and some high-quality unofficial tests. Just search for "Prepscholar free ACT practice tests" to find the list on their website.

3. Khan Academy: While Khan Academy is primarily focused on SAT test prep, they offer comprehensive resources for ACT test-takers as well. You can find subject-specific practice questions and instructional videos for each section of the exam.

4. CrackACT: This website has a large repository of free ACT practice tests, including official tests from past years and unofficial tests developed by various test prep companies. In addition to full-length practice exams, they also offer section-specific practice tests.

5. Varsity Tutors: Varsity Tutors' website has free diagnostic ACT tests as well as full-length practice exams. They also provide explanations for each question, which can be very useful for understanding mistakes and learning from them.

Remember that the key to successful preparation is not only taking multiple practice exams but also thoroughly reviewing your mistakes. This will help you identify patterns in your errors and understand the areas you need to focus on improving. Good luck with your test preparation!

8 months ago

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