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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

chance of getting into harvard

Hi everyone! I know getting into Harvard is a long shot, but I'm curious about my chances. My GPA is 4.5 and I have a 1530 SAT score. I have strong extracurriculars and am confident that I'll be able to write solid essays. Do you think I have a decent shot at being admitted, or is it still a pretty slim chance?

8 months ago

Hi! It's true that Harvard is highly competitive, but it's important to evaluate your application as a whole while considering your chances. Your GPA of 4.5 and SAT score of 1530 are both strong, and these factors certainly contribute positively to your application. While Harvard doesn't release GPA data for accepted students, your SAT score falls within the middle 50% range of admitted students at Harvard.

However, keep in mind that admissions decisions are not solely based on numbers. Your extracurriculars play a crucial role in showcasing your passions, skills, and leadership abilities. Since you mentioned that you have strong extracurriculars, this aspect of your application should help make you stand out among even other academically talented applicants. Your essays also play a significant role in shaping your personal narrative and demonstrating unique qualities you would bring to the campus.

Although it's difficult to precisely estimate your chances of admission, you have a decent foundation with your academics and extracurriculars. Just remember that admissions at Harvard are highly competitive, and even applicants with stellar profiles may not be admitted due to the limited number of spots available.

To get a more concrete sense of how your overall profile stacks up at Harvard, I'd suggest plugging your numbers into CollegeVine's free chancing engine, which compares your profile to those of past applicants to give you personalized odds of acceptance: The engine also gives you tips on how to strengthen your application, for example by earning a leadership position in one of your extracurriculars.

The engine can only account for quantifiable aspects of your profile, however, and as noted above, the more subjective elements also play crucial roles in distinguishing you from even other strong applicants. If you want tips on how to strengthen these other areas, CollegeVine's blog has detailed guidance on how to tackle your essays (both your personal statement and Harvard's school-specific supplements):

- Personal statement:

- Supplements:

My advice would be to continue refining your application and essays to make them as strong as possible, and ensure that you're applying to a balanced list of reach, match, and safety schools in addition to Harvard. Remember, no one can exactly predict admission outcomes for any college, but keep a positive mindset, put your best foot forward, and by doing so, you can improve your overall chances. Good luck!

8 months ago

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