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Where can I find practice ACT English questions?

I'm working on improving my ACT English score, but I'm struggling to find good practice questions. Anyone know where I can find helpful ACT English practice questions? Preferably free resources if possible. Thanks!

8 months ago

You're in luck! There are plenty of free resources available to help you practice for the ACT English section. Here are some sources that offer ACT English practice questions:

1. ACT Official Website: provides a free sample test that includes sample questions for all sections, including English. This resource will give you a sense of what actual test questions will look like and will help you gauge your current skill level.

2. CrackACT: This website has an extensive collection of free ACT practice exams that have been released over the years. Many students find it beneficial to work through these past exams, as they are direct from the source and give a good representation of what the ACT English section is like.

3. Khan Academy: Although Khan Academy is primarily focused on the SAT, much of their content can be applied to the ACT too. You will find online lessons on grammar, punctuation, and other topics covered in the ACT English section.

4. PrepFactory: This free, interactive test prep platform provides practice questions for all ACT sections, including English. They also have a focus on strategy, so you'll not only find practice questions but also tips and techniques to approach the questions more effectively.

5. Varsity Tutors (free edition): Varsity Tutors offers a free selection of ACT English practice questions and flashcards, which can be helpful for on-the-go practice and for reinforcing specific grammar rules.

With all these resources at your fingertips, you should have plenty of ACT English practice questions to help improve your score. Remember to review your answers to understand what areas you need to work on, and practice consistently. Best of luck with your preparations!

8 months ago

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